Aimed at reviving your metabolism, experience a completely unique approach to weight loss. By harmonizing your insulin response and settling inflammation - the result is an ideal body composition and renewed vitality.
- Curious about the ketogenic diet?
- Have questions about fasting?
We have the answers and have done the research to help you navigate tools to accelerate your metabolic healing. The personalized nature of our program is key to its success. We have various methods to analyze your current metabolism - no two people have the same needs!
Indicators specifically related to your nervous system and metabolic rate aid in determining which foods boost your metabolism and which do not. People absolutely love the information gathered from your initial health assessment.
You are certain to learn a wealth of information about your:
Hormone balance
Mineral levels
Fat metabolism
Carbohydrate metabolism
Connective tissue toxicity
favourable and unfavourable foods for your body
Book an Appointment
Want to discover a refreshing approach to your metabolic health? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Arnel Beaubrun, ND to start your initial health assessment.

At Integra, our mission is to be a trusted voice in all things good for you, guiding you along your path to peak health, in a way that is accessible for everyone.
Our vision is to guide people back to the basics – connecting with food, movement and joy.
Relentless in our commitment to food medicine, we are Canada’s only GAPS certified naturopathic clinic.
Our Story
Andrea Beaubrun, Co-Founder of Integra Naturopathics
You should never date your roommate they told me. But my roommate was crazy smart, witty and handsome. I let him borrow my homeopathy notes and he helped decode pathology and biochemistry - the rest was history. After graduating from Naturopathic medical school we agreed that Calgary would be where we plant seeds in our garden of life.
Integra Naturopathics was birthed 15 years ago in the heart of the beltline – there was a thirst for holistic medicine in Calgary. YYC is full of inquisitive thinkers and creative folks who challenge conventional thought. Our fascination with food medicine exploded after stumbling upon the works of Dr. Weston Price early in our career. The incorporation of traditional foods into our treatment style literally transformed our practice – most obvious was a huge spike in fertility successes. As couples waved good-bye to the low fat movement and embraced delightfully stinky ferments, hormones harmonized. Our modalities worked better. This fueled a ravenous hunger for more knowledge. We needed to understand how food seemed to be the catalyst to heal on a deep level; Arnel Beaubrun took up studies with Dr. Campbell McBride, MD to become certified in the Gut and Psychology Syndrome nutritional program. He is one of Canada’s few GAPS certified NDs. He regularly treats people Canada-wide for autoimmune conditions of all sorts and supports children with learning spectrum challenges. Food heals. It just does. All health conditions benefit from gut healing.
Our love affair with food transcends its therapeutic value – it should be scrumptious! So, when Arnel and I moved our growing clinic to Ramsay in the fall of 2015 the vacant ice cream stand adjacent to us got our wheels turning … faster and faster. Always destined and determined to take the road less traveled (maybe because we are both Scorpios?) we decided to enter the food industry. Many people shook their noggins - wondering how health care practitioners could make a go of the food scene. Many more, gratefully, acknowledged the natural synergy and loved the idea and helped nourish our vision of creating an itty-bitty food stand with a mighty vision. Beyond labels – leaving dogma at the door. We named it Bruhe (pronounced brew) – the german term for broth. In addition to bone broth we feature other brewed products like kombucha, organic coffee, and specialty elixirs. Of course we still honor tradition by serving up Calgary’s only certified organic ice cream by the scoop! Oh and our baking is gluten free! A few of our favorite things – to share with our favorite people – our community. We’ve now handed the reigns over to new owners and are loving to witness their growth + creativity!
As the seasons change this year – use nature’s momentum to help focus and direct your path. Don’t worry if people tell you not to - I’m sure glad I didn’t listen and dated my roommate anyway.
Our clinic now features the best integrative practitioners YYC has to offer - Chiropractic Medicine, Osteopathic Manual Therapy and Naturopathic Medicine. Come and join us at Integra - and experience your best life yet.