The role of fitness in brain health

Kids move because it feels good. They are naturally active. Our bodies are designed to move - a lot.  Sadly, our modern lifestyle has engineered movement out of our lives - with dire consequences for both physical and mental health. TV, laptops, movies, smartphones, smartboards, video games - over stimulation abounds at every waking moment. But does it have to?


Groundbreaking science has emerged in recent years to confirm what we intuitively know to be true - fitness literally connects the brain and body. From ADHD, anxiety and Alzheimer's to hormonal regulation and metabolism, keeping active is the single most important lifestyle factor. Inactivity and addiction to screen-time literally rewires the brain and compromises a child's neurological potential. The debate is over - the jury is in - too much media is unhealthy, especially for developing brains. When media addiction is coupled with inactivity  - we have a recipe for neurological disaster. 

Because parents are faced with insurmountable pressure to keep "connected" at every turn, unplugging from modern technology requires intention and firm boundaries. Your habit life is powerful.  It's okay to set limits on media. It's okay to say no. Kids need time outside, with unstructured play - to discover and explore the world around them - to fall in love with nature. It takes time and effort - remember that technology is addictive- expect resistance. It's well worth the effort. 

Give your kids the best head start in life!. We're here to support you as you make lifestyle changes to support the health of your family. Active families should have regular naturopathic and osteopathic assessments to explore nutritional needs of growing families and dynamic changes of a physically active body.